Try Springy's nonprofit payment processing

Use our nonprofit management software to collect donations, membership fees, and more.

Bring in more revenue

More and more is happening online. Don’t get left behind! Encourage more donations by offering the convenience of online payments alongside cash and check ones.

Offer payment flexibility

Let supporters decide how they want to give to your cause. The payment feature can process donations, membership dues, merch sales, event ticket sales, and more. It also offers:
- One-time or recurring donations
- Membership payment installments
- Custom donation amounts
- Debit or credit card payment methods

Prioritize security

We partner with Adyen to process your online payments. Adyen is a well-known provider in the payment space with big-name clients, such as McDonald’s, Uber, and Spotify. If they trust Adyen with their personal information, so can you!

Why choose Springly

40,000+ organizations use us

3+ million hours saved

4.5/5 on Capterra

Organizations that trust us

George F. Barbour

Google Reviews
With Springly, we were able to grow our membership database by 56% over the last year. Now that we have an organized system to keep all of our members in the same place, including their membership and payment history, we have been able to refocus our time on member engagement. Great features, easy to use!
Mockingjay Flying Club

F. Barbour


Pair payment processing with:

Take your nonprofit management to the next level